Consumer Products Won’t Cut It For Your Business
We are often asked to visit businesses in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex to fix the following issue: A business owner wanted to save time and money, so they decided to implement a product they were already familiar with using in their home. What they ultimately realize is what works really well in a home does not always translate to a commercial boardroom setting. Poor connections, lagging presentations, and inadequate device compatibility are just a few of the issues we’re called on to resolve for Texas businesses.
Do it right the first time – incorporate a commercial-grade product to support your company’s bottom line and your staff’s daily work endeavors. As the leading Crestron dealer serving the North Texas area and beyond, Texadia Systems expertly designs and installs business technology that provides your business the support it needs. Read on below to learn why Apple AirPlay can’t compete with Crestron’s AirMedia 2.0.